
So glad you found me! Come in, come in! Hope you like what you see. If so, please stick around and feel free to leave comments. I'd love to hear what you think.

See more of my work and get pricing check out my website: http://www.karanicole.com/

READY TO BOOK? Email me kara@karanicole.com

Also a member of the Children's Photography Network

~Kara Nicole

Friday, April 16, 2010

{Almost 2 and looking 2 cute} Midlothian, TX Children Photographer

It's been too long time since I've taken pics of my own baby girl. Don't get me wrong I'm constantly chasing her around with camera in hand but I'm talking "professional" brand pictures.
I'm a mother like you and like you, I know how hard it is to pin down a date to have professional pictures made. Don't even get me started on outfit planning and all that, whoa it can be stressful but you find if you look a little around your house you might have all you need. I took some of her in a few things we've had sitting around our house forever. A pink easter hat that I picked up last year on the Target $1 asile (love the DOLLAR target aslie) and a pink boa that I've had since my sister-in-law tied the knot, and well a new but VERY OLD chair! I just put fresh coat of paint on it to make it new again! My point once you plan your session and see the pictures you will be very thrilled you did it! They grow up way too fast! Everyday I watch my daughter grow up a little more and my heart hurts and cheers at each sight along the way. She's my favorite subject and yet my hardest. Maybe because I'm her mom, but does she really make me work hard for her pictures! Yesterday was no diferent, I finally had a chance to photograph her in studio and took full advantage. I mean she is the main reason I perused photography in the first place. It's only fair she be all over my blog, website, walls, etc. right? I'm blessed to be a mother to a girl.... I know some might not agree and that's perfectly okay but for me I know it was meant for me to have a daughter and so very thankful god blessed me with one. AND SOON... a baby BOY! Wow one of each - I'm not going to lie and say I'm not a little nervous at what having a son entails but ones things for sure I'm going to love him to pieces just like I do his big sister.

okay enough blabber from me.... Here's some precious new pics of my sweet baby.


my personal favorite!!!

My FIRST baby girl... My puppy

my girls

playing so well together!

My puppy was such a good sport!

LOVE THIS one...
Here are some super fun ones!!

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